Legal notice

General information

This legal notice contains the information regarding the Deliver project (“Deliver Project”) website.

The legal entity managing this website as a member of the Deliver Project is Fundació Tic Salut Social whose corporate information is as follows:

Fundació Tic Salut Social


Roc Boronat St., 81-95, 08005 Barcelona

Tel. +34 93 553 26 42

This website is dedicated to the dissemination of DELIVER project. DELIVER project is funded by the 2020 Erasmus + programme under Grant Agreement 2020-1-DK01-KA204-075090.

Intellectual Property Rights

The content of this website, including texts, images, sound and any other material, is protected by intellectual property rights owned by Fundació Tic Salut Social or by one or more of the other members of the Deliver Project. You are allowed to access, print or download the content of this website if you acknowledge the property rights protecting it. You may not sell or exploit the content of this website without our consent.

You may not use this website to share information and material infringing in on anyone else’s rights. You may not use this website in any way that is or may be damaging to this website or in any way that impacts user access to this website or in any way contrary to applicable laws and regulations, or that may cause harm to this website, or to any person or business entity using this website.

Responsibility for the contents

The content of the public portion of this website is purely informative and may be changed and updated without notice, in order to keep the information up to date, adding, modifying, correcting or deleting the published content or the design of the website and we do not accept responsibility for mistakes and unintended inaccuracies.

The content of this website reflects the opinion of its authors and does not in any way represent opinions of the European Union. European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information the website contains. Any comments or questions you may have concerning the use of the website, and the information it provides can be addressed at the following email: