Reflections before choosing a digital technology

What to consider before implementing a telemedicine solution?


This and the following slide concern the decisions and tasks that executive and non-executive healthcare managers face in the digital transformation. One such decision is that of whether or not to apply a telemedicine solution. The choice of whether or not to apply a telemedicine solution may seem complex. To help you make that choice, we present you with MAST; a model and manual for reflection before choosing a digital technology.

Model for ASsesment of Telemedicine (MAST) is developed by the Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT) in Denmark. It is the most widely used framework for the assessment of telemedicine in Europe, and the European Commission recommends the model for the evaluation of telemedicine projects.

MAST includes three elements:

  • Preceding considerations of a number of issues that should be considered before an assessment of a telemedicine application is initiated.
  • A multidisciplinary assessment of the outcomes of telemedicine within seven domains of outcomes and aspects.
  • An assessment of the transferability of results found in the scientific literature and results from new empirical studies.

The overall aim of MAST and the MAST Manual is to provide a structured framework for assessing the effectiveness of telemedicine applications and their contribution to quality of care.

You can find the model here

Source / References

  • Medical Technology (
  • EU: The MAST Manual | Joinup (

The model defines the relevant assessment framework for the effect of telemedicine and touches upon:

  1. The citizen (patient) and the technology
  2. Citizen (patient) safety
  3. Clinical effectiveness
  4. Citizen (patient) perspectives
  5. Economic aspects
  6. Organizational aspects
  7. Legal and ethical aspects

Guide for reflecting on digital technology and healthcare practices


This is a guide to help you as a healthcare manager create a setting where you and your team can reflect on the pros and cons of implementing and working with digital technology on a daily basis.

Shared reflection

The guide gives you a structure for sharing your thoughts, as a team, on technology and healthcare practices.

It is recommended that the meeting is led by a healthcare manager or someone in a similar position.

Link to the material

Source / References

The goal is to

  • Uncover current challenges and opportunities with new technology in the department.
  • Gain a nuanced understanding of how technology affects your task and role.
  • See new perspectives and new opportunities for action.

How does technology affect my work?


The use of digital technology in healthcare poses both potentials and challenges. Consider the issues portrayed in the film and answer the questions below.

Dilemma: How does technology affect my work?

In the film, we meet Rasmus who is an occupational therapist working at a hospital ward for respiratory diseases. The management has decided that the department should offer digital sessions to citizens with severe COPD.

Rasmus is unsure about the offer and not convinced that this solution will improve the quality of care for the citizen.

From your perspective, reflect on the following:

  1. What technological tools are part of your (daily) work?
  2. Where do you reckon technology could help citizens in mastering their situation?
  3. In what way does technology and digitization help you solve your (daily) tasks?

Potentials for citizens when using digital technology

  • Empowerment and independence
  • Flexibility
  • Security and comfort
  • Control of your surroundings
  • More frequent contact
  • No transport and waiting time
  • Social activity and participation

Can you think of more examples of potentials for the citizen? How about limitations?

Reflect and discuss either alone or together.

Source / References

Questions for reflection

  • Do you have enough time to learn new things?
  • Is peer-to-peer training an option?
  • Is there room for error and uncertainty?
  • Do you have time for discussions and development in professional communities?
  • Do you have an overview of the value and goals of telemedicine?
  • Do you have the opportunity to influence further development and framework conditions?
  • Perhaps you want to share an example from your personal experience?
  • Currently, how do you make choices regarding implementation of telemedicine applications?
  • What works well with the way you currently make choices/assessments? What doesn’t?
  • Which – if any – potential do you see in incorporating the full MAST model or parts of it?