How can we further the use of technology in healthcare?


Health care professionals (HCPs) are the core of Digital Transformation in Health care

The digital transformation of health is dramatically requesting the use of digital technology in European health care systems. HCPs are core in accelerating the digital transformation of health. The EU Joint Action Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting states digital skills are an important future skill for healthcare workers. Heath care professionals will require knowledge on how to transfer their health-related skills to the new digitalised healthcare paradigm.

DELIVER ( Digital EducationaL programme invoIVing hEalth pRofessionals) inspires to enhance the digital skills of HCPs by supporting the digital transformation of health within European regions.

project Objectives


Enhance the digital skills of HCPs to support the digital transformation of healthcare.


Develop a common transnational educational program that focuses on applied digital skills for HCPs.

E-learning Tools

Develop e-learning tools that support continuous professional development.


How will DELIVER achieve its goal?

DELIVER will produce five intellectual outputs (IOs):

IO1 : Needs analysis
IO2 : Organisational analysis
IO3 : Curriculum and learning material
IO4 : Health care professionals e-learning platform for digital skills
IO5 : Policy and implementation recommendations

This project is funded by the EU Commission under the Erasmus+ program. The total budget is 300.586€.